
Our Guiding Principle

To promote sustainable practices beyond what is required through a variety of measures including energy efficient building design and water saving methods through the use of natural drainage systems, drought tolerant landscaping and utilizing existing surfaces. Foster walkability and alternative modes of transportation by creating neighborhoods that are linked by a series of interconnected multi-use trails, sidewalks, bridle paths, agriculture and open space, connecting residents to transit and the regional river trail system. Additionally, transportation within the community and South Morro Hills will be made easy through an electric bike share program. Our homes will include grey water systems and be solar equipped, aligning with the commercial core’s solar powered farmers market and EV charging stations.

Planning for the future through more sustainable use today

Educating the community

NRF has partnered with the Ecology Center, a non-profit who believes everyone should have access to the tools, knowledge and skills that promote healthy communities. Through this
partnership we will create an Education Center that brings sustainability to life and engages the community, our schools, tourism and others. Agriculturally based learning will include various topics from biodynamic living to sustainability, offering residents the opportunity to live in and among practical, environmental solutions.